Sutton Asbestos Surveys

Telephone: (01432) 343344


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Great Brampton House

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Stanley Hotel
This is the ‘other’ Nick in the Falklands sampling some very nasty loose fibre which we later arranged to be removed.

This was in a Stanley hotel where loose fibre (presumably
lifted from a passing ship's boiler room!) had been poured between the joists in what was the Old Ships Bar.
The material contained a mixture of amosite (brown asbestos) and chrysotile (white asbestos) fibre. There are no licensed contractors in the Falklands and running a removal contract from 9000 miles away was - at the very least - challenging!



The worst form of asbestos - loose fibre.
This photograph shows raw asbestos on the top of a
window heading from the first floor Asbestos was safely removed from the building which has now been converted
into a very attractive row of harbor front properties.

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Sutton Hereford

Telephone: (01432) 343344